Sunday, 13 December 2009

White Rabbits, Spirals and the Jupiter Finger

I've recently written about the symbolism  of White Rabbits and Spirals in my conciousness these past few weeks and today I read a post on the "sync whole" about a film I've never seen "The last mimzy" which seemed to connect the dots. It confirmed my suspicion that the white rabbits represent the vessel that travel through the stargates represented by (black top hats or spirals ) the rabbits represent the travelers that brings back and forth messages,articles ,and that have the ability to travel in time /space etc.
  I've just read another post on the sync whole about the Jupiter finger (seems that just as "the last mimzy points" to the spiral being the stargate so does jupiters finger point the way to the stargate of accension.This remided me of the buddha finger , an ancient mudra referenced in kung fu films but also the spiral tribe pointing hand.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Thee Aliases ov JSteveKane

My Forename is Steve which resonates; Steve Strange ,  Steve Austin ,  Steve McQueen and Stevie G.

On being asked about my JSteveKane alias, I explain that its a throwback to the time I created my hotmail account and the DJ personna I was thinking of using at the time. Other DJ "aliases" I have used included; "The Refresher", "The Spirit Guides ", "Deckhard", "Replicant 23" , "Steve P Tribe" , "The Smurf" , "Zero B5", "Blue Five" , "Steve Skywalker" , "Steve J. K. " , "J Steve Kane" , "J.S.K." and "Jay Ess Kay."

"JSteveKane" was a homage to the pioneering British breakbeat techno producer "JSAULKANE" who was at the forefront of early UK Hip Hop  Breakbeat  alongside the likes of DJ Hype and Shut up and Dance.  JSAULKANE/Depth Charge  like the Wu Tang Clan  was renowned for his love of ,and overt use of  samples from Kung Fu films.
 Another Kane in Hip Hop was the legendary   "Big Daddy Kane" . Who was sampled in numerous Jungle/Drum and Bass tunes.
Other  Kane references within Jungle/Drum and Bass include  the jungle producer "Marvellous Kane"  and  DJ Kane (Essence of Chi) and my own resonances with Steve Kane at the lazerdrome.
  Kane also reminded me of the character "Caine" from the seventies T.V. series "Kung Fu" which I loved as a kid and played by David Carradine who later stared in "Kill Bill" , which I love. Kane also resonates "Citizen Kane" by Orson Welles

When I joined a Tai Chi/Kung Fu school a few years later The Master called me "White Steve" to differentiate me from my double  "Black Steve"  (and from Chinese Steve) , this alias is used to this day. Soon after my teacher opened his Temple in Old Street,I got a job at the Flagship offices Sitel nearby where I worked alongside Stevie B . It was there I was nicknamed "Kung Fu Vicar" due to the second hand grey suit I wore and my interest in Kung Fu.

Since I began playing Capoeira I've had a few nicknames "Judas" for betraying my Master (East London Capoeira/Senzala),  "Alfinette" (Vitoria de Conquista ),  "Garibu" (Marrom Capoeira),  "Estive" / "Steve Austin" / "Courigitto" / "Korujito" / "Courigitto-Sonhador" / "Monitor Steve" (Capoeira Angola Palmares) 
Since moving back to Bristol  I've been  "Estive Palmares" /  "Stevie Palmares / "Stevie P ".

Estive/Stevie  P resonates Stevie Pamares, ESP , Steve P Tribe and Steve Parker .
 Recently I had a dream in which I declared my name as "Steve Ingles".

Other "J"s evoked  are , Jaguar, Jesus, Jupiter, Jezedi , Judoka,  Jigoro Kano  and Jedi Knights.
On the Jedi tip as well as "Steve Skywalker" I was "Blue 5" and "Zero B5".
On a "Zero" theme I was once in the video for "Fade to Grey" by "Mark Oh" and have also used "Mark 4 O B" and "Steve O" .

The  J.K.S. resonates  "Steve JacKS",  Steve JacKSon,  JacK of Spades JacK Samurai etc

Steve Grey resonates; Grey Wolf , Gandalf the Grey , Grey aliens, and 50 shades of corporate success & anonymity. Stephen G resonates Stephen Grant (Moonknight)  and Stephen Gerrard the footballer. In different moments I have thought about buying replica England shirts with Stevie G and Kane on the back.

At school my nicknames were not cool and kind of cruel the earliest being "Joe 90", I've always been a slim character and I remember the ridicule of being called an "Ethiopian"  ,a  "Bean Pole" and a "Leper"
My skater friends in Bristol called me "Fiddler" along with my two brothers because my mum played the violin so collectively we were the "fiddlers three".
At Uni I was called "Bad Luck Steve" for a while after I passed out behind a sofa at the student union bar after too many drinks on my birthday. They didn't see me at closing time so I was locked in. I  came round at about 3am and set off the fire alarm. I  had to be released by the night guard. 
I was called "maggot" while at university by a friend who paid her tuition fees with money earned as a dominatrix.
 After University I worked as a counsellor on a American summer camp in the early nineties where I was nicknamed "Waldo" after the character in the "Where's Waldo/Wally" books.

So who is the real me? maybe they all are different parts of me ? And when I first started  this post I  had just gained another ;-)


Monday, 30 November 2009

White Rabbits

Part I
I've been seeing lots of white rabbits lately and they have a deep resonance for me. At the weekend I went to Bristol and my neice showed me her favourite cuddly toy called "magic rabbit" (its white).
 I noticed last week the white rabbit on the titles to "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" , and how they sync'd with the white rabbits on a canvas poster near my home by clapton pond,
White rabbits are perhaps best know as the symbol of the stage magician or the playboy bunny  and of course there's the white rabbit in Lewis Carols "Alice" books.

In the Matrix ,Neo's path towards awakening was  symbolised in various ways one of which was  "following the white rabbit."  A few years later The White Rabbit symbol appeared again  in another film as Frank's costume in Donnie Darko.  

I had a personal experience with going down the "rabbit  hole" of the white rabbit in the nineties when "Lord Sabre " from Sabresonic / Sabres of Paradise used the imagery  around the same time I was reading Robert Anton Wilsons  "Illuminatus"   R.A.W (who early in his career wrote for playboy) wrote a commentary on the white rabbit in his "cosmic trigger" trilogy.

Part II

"The pookah takes many forms, but is most famous when he appears as a giant, six-foot white rabbit - which is the form most Americans know from the play and film, "Harvey".k Whatever form the pookah takes, he retains the special ability of his species, which is like that of Thoth in Egyptian legend, Coyote in Native American myth or Hanuman the Divine Monkey in Hindu lore - he can move us from one universe, or Belief System, into another, and he likes to play games with our ideas about 'reality.''"
From Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger Volume 2.

Part III

I started this post on 30th November, so was amazed when the following morning my colleague at work told me about the expression"white rabbits white rabbits white rabbits" which it is apparently good luck to say on the first day of each month.A number of conversations have occured since then and I have been reminded of the  further  rabbit resonances in my life ; Brear Rabbit (the trickster) which my dad used to read to me as a child, the rabbits of watership down, the "grey" rabbit of bugs bunny, the sexy rabbit (hare) of the cadbury's caramel adds and the film "Who framed Roger Rabbit?"

Click the links for more on

Sunday, 8 November 2009


Part 1

Recently a blog by Chris Knowles (The Secret Sun) drew my attention to Mike Clelland "The Owl Guy" who wrote "The Messengers" a book about Owls,Synchronicity and the UFO abductee". In the book they mention an observed relationship between "contactees" and people whose mothers having an unusual interest in Owls.
This resonated with me because when I was about 10 years old my mother suggested to me I start an "Owl collection" I wasn't interested in the idea ,but my mother was really into it. She owned a green morris minor with the registration plate "owl" and had placed a little cuddly toy owl in the back windscreen.
She proceed to give me "owls" at every opportunity Christmas, birthdays, on holiday etc. She would buy them in gift shops. I had china owls, posters, paintings, mobiles, pencils, key rings etc. you name it. My brothers were not the slightest bit jealous because they always knew the extra present I got would be an owl!
I never thought much of the significance apart from briefly when we studied a book entitled "the owl service" in English Literature .

I'm not sure if I noticed the Owl in David Bowies "Labyrinth"

I kind of forgot about owls after my mother passed on , more recently my Capoeira teacher gave me the nick name of "curugito" which i think means "owl" or little owl.
 Courigitto was the "familiar" of "She Ra" Princess of Power" the opposite number of "Orco" from the "He Man" cartoon , later my teacher renamed me "curugito sonhador "The owl dreamer"

Part 2

Owl & Snake

When I first wrote this note while I was watching the qualifying in the Brazillian GP they showed an Owl sitting by the track , then the camera switch to one of the cars No 23 , The illuminati will know why I smiled
It wouldn't have warranted a note , but seconds later i received a flyer reminding me of the forthcoming Ugly Funk / Vinyl Pleasures "Last Revolution" party at the Foundry at which a friend "DJ wrongspeed" is playing at . I quickly Googled "DJ Wrongspeed" to see his latest podcast is entitled "A bad day for Owling Championships"

Over Christmas I've been resonating the Blue cats ,Blue moons and Smurfs today I switched to Blue Owls and at the very moment a friend from work commented on my new profile pic it I saw an advert for centreparks featuring an owl .. anyone for a holiday ?

Part 3 August 2010

Just got back from a family holiday in Cornwall where my mothers family came from, I noticed there is a place called the "Screech Owl Sanctuary " near Newquay and something was tugging at me to make a visit.

I very much relate Owls to my Mum (Rip) and spirits /aliens so it was interesting when I saw a post by Everett about their appearance in the film "the fourth kind" and ancient Sumerian culture references / native American culture references.


For about a week or so  I'd been experiencing a succession W.W.  synchronicities then I saw Arrowsmith had posted about the  WOLF/FLOW on his blog.
Today I was reading the latest post by Neil Kramer on "The Cleaver" ( which included lots of images of wolves ) No sooner had I finished reading it than Shakira's new tune "She Wolf" came on MTV in the background.

I'm concious that far right White supremacist Facist/Nazi organisations (BNP/NF/EDL etc) have started to use White Wolf symbolism just like they have tried to appropriate the history of Winston Churchill and take ownership" of Union Jack. I think it's interesting the far right groups resonate with the wolf as I believe their "politics of hate" is a result not just of ignorance but a deep seated fear.
Wolves hunt in packs, preying on the vulnerable, like many dogs when hunting them smell the fear. These far right political leaders do similar things using the fear in their potential recruits.
The Buddha and later Yoda said "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred and hatred leads to suffering...." and this is sadly a description of the activity of the far right.
 Like the "K" Liberation Front my instinct is to challenge far right organisations over ownership of language and symbols which should be common currency.

I first became concious of the wolf archetype with the children's favourite "Little Red Riding Hood

I first became aware of the werewolf in the seldom remembered american TV series "Lucan". A more typical werewolf "Professor Lupus"  afflicted by his transformation at the full moon caught my imagination in the Harry Potter Books.
 In my mid teens I was exposed to the more "adult" version of little red riding hood and became more aware of sexual themes related to the werewolf archetype. Human sexuality unfettered, like an untrained dog, can have dangerous consequences. Informational exchange with Thee Temple of Psychick Youth reintroduced me to the Wolf archetype to in relation to "Sleeping Dogs" and the awakening of conciousness. Energetic practises relating to the use of  "chi" or "kundalini" energy to raise consciousness, makes one aware of the uses of sexual energy in ways other than carnal pleasures or procreation.

The Wolfen by Whitley Striber is a dark take on extra terrestrials descended from canids preying on humanity.
 A positive spin in on wolves was provided in "Dances with Wolves" featuring Kevin Kostner

 In Capoeira there's an term "The Lone Wolf" used for a player that for whatever reason doesn't have a group or Master to call their own. Since moving away from London, while I haven't left my group or severed ties with my Master,  I  have felt somewhat of a "Lone Wolf"
The "Lone Wolf" is also used to refer to "The Ronin" - The  Samurai with no Lord or Master wandering the land providing security for hire.
 So to me the wolf represents the awakened conciousness of a warrior  , not the vicious hunter driven unconsciously by fear.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The Big Blue Fence

I have recently been reading the current crop of synchromystic blogs about the "Blue Entity" and it prompted me to comment on my connection  with The Big Blue Fence.
 The Big Blue Fence is boundary fence constructed around the development area of the olympic Park and Village. It is also the name of a project I have had a fairly close relationship with for the past few years. It started out as part of a larger community engagement project in East London.The idea of which was to hear the voice of ordinary Londoners. Some talked of London hosting of the olympics in 2012 . How would it effect them? had they been consulted ? What change would it bring to their communities? One such change was the Big Blue Fence that had been erected around the perimeter of the olympic site. 
I had a personal resonance with the Big Blue Fence as I used to live in a housing cooperative at "Clays Lane" which was demolished to make way for the olympic village. Some of my friends were still living there when the compulsory purchase orders came through, some were rehoused, some were still waiting to be rehoused as the diggers began rolling in. Clays Lane had special memories for me.It was while living at Clays Lane that I experienced an awakening of sorts to a more personal understanding of my psychology & spirituality. At times I questioned whether this experience was healthy or detrimental to my mental health, but thanks to some good friends who reaasured me I was not alone, just an psychik youth awakening. My martial arts school that ensured I was physically grounded. I was encouraged to sing, dance , to meditate and find balance and I took some crucial steps forward along my life path.
The Big Blue Fence had now encircled my old home at Clays Lane / Temple Mills this was now the hallowed ground of the olympic site, and the Big Blue fence would serve keep the public out. My days at Clays Lane and the glimpses of paranioa I experienced there are mostly forgotten. Occasionally something reminds me of those days. A recent interview with Rik Clay about his take on the 2012 olympics and the olympics site reminded me that digging too deeply too quickly into the waters of magic and conspiracy can be a dangerous game. Rik sadly took his life earlier this year. The Big Blue Fence came to represent a blank canvas on which we could express our thoughts about life in Hackney. I felt like going down to the real Big Blue Fence and doing somme graffitii but I'm far too upstanding a cityzen to do that,better to use the group work sessions of the Big Blue fence Project. The project evolved and an installation was produced for display at a local community festival, on Well Street common E9 , this developed further to the Interactive Installation displayed at Hackney Museum and the group work sessions that accompanied it . The installation is now on display at Walthstow Library where its continues to explore the wealth of Heritage in East London past and future . The real Big Blue Fence has now largely been painted over with corporate art & advertising. The installation is on the move and constantly changing just like the trains that the writers in New York used to develop there "art" in the 80's 

Sunday, 11 October 2009

The Big Chill

Sometimes you forget how much your behaviour is programmed by external factors e.g. advertising / marketing strategies. For most of 2009 I was working in community development on various projects including the Big Blue Fence which I've also blogged about.
The "Big Delivery Project"  was a corporate partnership between the Big Issue and various other organisations ( my company included ) which involved me distributing copies of the Big Issue to selected outlets. During this time I of course read the weekly copies of the Big Issue  and the regular articles on the Big Chill, but when my friend suggested we attend this year I assumed it was my decision ( I've known about the Big Chill since its early days but never been to the festival ), I hadn't registered the tie in between the Big Issue and The Big Chill until the week before last, when I read that it was Big Issue sellers that were to be the selling the official programs at the Big Chill. Despite embarrasssment at my realisation that I'm just another programmed drone I was looking forward to the Big Chill festival 2009.
I hadn't been to a festival since the early nineties. The last time was Glastonbury the year "The Shamen" were at number one with "Ebenezer Goode" despite their  later pop success they played a sublime set of their classics and finished with "Re-evolution" a partnership with Terrance Mckenna whose voice echoed across the Vale of Avalon while a lazer hologram circle above us. 
 As I was looking forward to the Big Chill Festival 2009 I remembered all those years ago when the "Big Chill" was an underground party in London on a sunday afternoon designed for ravers to chill out at. I went a few times and remember "Angels of Disorder" (aerial art) , DJ's "Nelson Dilation and the Pupils of Dilation" , Coldcut (live) , Hexstatic and the Global Communication/Jedi Knights. There were always lots of Acid headz and some ruff jungle but good vibez. Now London has the big Chill House , the Big Chill Bar (In a venue previously known as the Cross bar where I used to attend the hip hop / Electro nights "Scratch"  and "Electrocuted" ) and the Big Chill  record label ! Highlights of this years Big Chill Festival were Orbital (the reunion) Bassment Jaxx ,Tom "The Jedi" Middleton playing one of his legendary "one more tune sets" & the Next Men. My discovery of the festival (and one I only recommend to the extremely broadminded) was Chris Cunnigham the A.V. artist behind Aphex Twins "Window licker" , "Rubber Johnny" and "Flex" videos

Monday, 22 June 2009

Eckankar and the Justified Ancients of Mu

Eckankar ,The Justified ancient of Mu and Spiritual Protection

Part 1 - Eckankar & The Justified ancient of Mu

When I was offered a role as a “counsellor” on a summer camp "Camp Kiwago" at Bear Mountain for children from homeless families of New York city, I was excited and a little uncertain what to expect.
This was to be my first experience of living and working in a foreign country however some of my experiences were stranger than others.
During the twelve weeks I worked on camp I was to have many rewarding and happy times with the children and other camp workers. However I also experienced some problems. I was initially somewhat surprised at how different my own culture was to those of the children and co-counsellors I was working with. Granted I did not have a language barrier to contend with but in those first few weeks there were moments when I felt quite isolated.
It was the early nineties and I was fresh out of university. The few cassettes I had packed in my bag were acid house and rave music which was all the rage at the time in London. Unbeknown to me House music in New York was considered by most the preserve of the gay scene whereas Hip Hop R&B was the music of the black community . Rock & Pop were the styles mostly consumed by white audiences. American music markets were far more segregated along racial lines than in Britain.
Added to this my hair at the time was dyed blonde much like one my favourite DJ’s “Mr C” of the Shamen. Some of my peers on camp put 2 and 2 together and made 5 concluding I was homosexual. This misjudgement was compounded by the fact I had been given a book of Celtic artwork by my parents the previous Christmas and was in the habit of doodling what I considered tribal designs. However some of my colleagues had the mistaken impression I was actually voodoo practitioner who listened to voodoo music, even they realised my acid house tapes were not your typical New York  house.
As rumours of ”my sexuality” spread across camp while most of the staff kept their distance others ostracised me. Two members of staff the camp caretaker and his wife the dance teacher (who were themselves viewed with some suspicion) made efforts to befriend me.
As it transpired they were members of a religious group known as “Eckankar” (perceived by some as a religious cult) They explained that Eckankar was known as the religion of the light and sound of God (Eck being a term for the Holy Spirit ) Eckankar's  spiritual teachings apparently had an ancient lineage. (Although they seem to have borrowed heavily from the Satsang movement.) Eckankar they explained was led by the living Eck Master who taught them methods of spiritual cultivation. Experienced Eckist’s practised “Soul Travel”. While asleep their souls would travel to golden temples where they would be instructed by masters both alive and dead. Eckist’s kept dream diaries and owould receive notice of their graduation in the post following a meeting with the Eck Master in a dream. The most simple Eck dream yoga practise was to chant “Hu” as a love song God.
I took their religious beliefs with a pinch of salt As I was somewhat aware of the activities of religious cults but was happy of their friendly disposition.
Some days after I had been introduced to their beliefs it was my day to host the camp radio station. There was some expectation around this event as most were aware I would not be playing the usually “R Kelly Naz and Wu Tang mix that was popular that summer.
I decided to wake the campers that morning with music by the “KLF” and the lyric “Lie down on the floor and keep calm.. This is Radio Freedom” followed by a volley of gunfire and plenty Of Mu Mu’s (The KLF are also known as the Justified ancient of Mu)
This I thought would hold particular appeal because as an encouragement to the kids to drink plenty of milk at breakfast their was a tradition that the first table to finish their jug of milk should make "Moo Moo" noises like a cow and be rewarded with a second Jug of milk .
There was some disagreement amongst staff as to whether this practise was counter productive due to the chaos that invariably ensued and the pressure on the younger children to drink their milk far too quickly. However kids loved it and the traditionalists had got their way.
That morning I arrived at breakfast sporting my Justified Ancients of Mu T-shirt to a chorus of "Moo Moo"
Later that afternoon two very concerned Eckist’s approached me with serious faces explaining they had need to talk to me privately. They explained that within Eckankar The religion of the light and Sound of God was ancient an ancient book of Sounds which can be thought of as the language of God some of these sounds having very powerful effect one such sound “Hu” which Eckist sing as a love song to God another word “MU” which is taught to only high level Eckist because of its destructive effects.
The Camp had unknowingly stumbled on this knowledge through the breakfast tradition of calling Moo. The disorder caused by the vibrations of the sound was evidenced in the children’s frenzied behaviour at breakfast and including the vomiting that often followed the over drinking . The Eckists explain that Lemura or Mu as it became known was in fact the lost continent of Atlantis which had fallen into the sea as a result of the vibrations caused by it inhabitants continually referring to it as Mu the Eckists explained it was important that I read some Eck books to get me up to speed ?

Part 2 - Eckankar & Spiritual protection

My new found popularity amongst the camp following my DJ slot on the radio was a relief but I was not popular with everyone.One co counsellor nicknamed "Buddha" (because he smoked allot of weed),who owned a lovely pair of Black and White Nike airs (as used in the 1st terminator film) and who was particularly homophobic, had decided gay people were not fit to work with children.
decided to use the camp custom of playing practical jokes on one another to hurt me ,he procured from the hardware store some very sharp taks and embedded them in my sleeping bag, know it was my habit at night to jump onto my bed in my cabin without turning the light on (which would wake the kids.) I cant emphasise the nasty injury this would inevitably cause .
I later learned He had told a number of my co counsellors about the joke who were all very uncomfortable about it but out of some sense of loyalty to their "brother" couldn't be seen to grass him up.
It was at this time the camp caretaker and dance teacher who had told me about Eckankar came to me and offered me a book about spiritual protection which they suggested I read.I began reading it and inevitably reciting the protection mantra.
That evening I attended supper with everyone as was customary ,there was a very weird atmosphere and people seem awkward with me I pulled one colleagues aside and asked what is going on and he explained that afternoon , one of my colleagues "Triceptor" who was particularly popular ,due to his charisma and the fact he was a young Basket Ball player for the New York Knicks on hearing of Buddhas plan had gained the courage and gone to the camp director and informed her of Buddha plan, Buddha had been dismissed , when I returned to my cabin all that was left of Buddha was his Nike Airs which were my size!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Into the Deep Blue (Smurf) Conciousness

A post by Black Dogs Star "The Blue One" , hit me like a poke in the third eye with a blunt instrument shedding new light on my own experience with the blue energy/entity and compelling me to write up this chronicle.

I first began consciously resonating blue energy when the “National” petrol company did a Smurf promotion in the early eighties, like many others it was my first introduction to Smurfs and I was on holiday with my family in Ireland at the time, so coincidentally I was also introduced to the leprechaun. Strange that back then I associated smurfs with petrol (a polluting fossil fuel) whereas now they represent to me a greener Smurf consciousness.

The blue energy remained largely unconscious to me for many years until the early nineties when I began to hear about "project blue book" (the alien agenda) there was a seminal Radio 1 show at the time by Rob da Bank entitled “the Blue room” and  The Orb did a song with the same name. I read Whitley Strieber’s “Communion” which describes the short stocky blue troll (Smurf) like aliens and I underwent some near misses with extra terrestrial consciousness at Bear Mountain. I also became aware of the Hindu/Buddhist deities which are often represented with blue skin and became aware that my Celtic/Druid ancestors also used to paint their skin blue. To this day in the United Kingdom the royal family are referred to as having blue blood. Around the same time I began to resonate the Blue Cat. The seminal Drum and Bass Jungle techno label “Metalheadz” used a blue cat for its logo and I was introduced to little known “Magic Roundabout” feature film entitled “Dougal and the Blue Cat”, I began to resonate the Jaguar (another cat with a blue hue) courtesy of DJ Rolando “the Aztek Mystic,” while the musical blues continued with the Helicopter tune by Deep Blue and the number one song by Deep Blue Something.

The Smurfs came back into consciousness when the DJ team “The Jedi Knights” did an interview in Jockey Slut magazine talking. They talked  about the Internet being an old school network, remarking that the future is in “Lucid dreaming” possibly the first time I had heard of the concept.
They discussed  the new school electro they were releasing  on clear records, as opposed to old school electro.  “The Smurf" was a classic  old school / early 80's electro track beloved of breakdancers and b-boys.

They also mentioned they wanted to see a new smurf for the nineties, within days the "news of the world" featured spaceman smurf on the front cover and the song "Spaceman" by Babylon Zoo quickly went to number one with its speeded up  “smurf " vocals.
I visited a friend who I knew to be a magician and tarot reader to see that he had put Smurf stickers all around his mirror. When I remarked on the coincidence he told me he had found them in a skip along with a "Papa Smurf" cuddly toy which he gave me.

That  Christmas I went to Germany where I was briefly mistaken for DJ Smurf from Kool fm. (My own DJ name was Blue 5

I threw a birthday party around this time and a couple of friends and I incorporated a smurf into the design for the flyer, we went on to paint a large backdrop of the image altering the ying yang slightly to be a sacred chao.

The Smurfs came thick and fast, they released a computer game and album within weeks, including a great cover version of “I wanna be a hippy”

 I went to see the DJ/producer Roger Sanchez play the main room at The End (Roger S was stylin the white kangol at the time) in the lounge The Jedi Knights and Matthew “Bushwacka" B played possibly the best electro set I’d ever heard. All that was missing was the Smurfette.

A months later a neighbour at Clays Lane threw one of its less infamous but no less memorable party’s.It was in fact a rather sedate barbeque. I went along in a newly purchased the shiny blue shirt and white Kangol. Imagine my shock when who else should turn up but a beautiful young lady dressed in a short mini dress of the same shiny blue material as my shirt and with flowing blonde hair.

The amazing synchronicities began to subside. The blue energy faded into the background occasionally resurfacing.  "Remember me" by blue boy and again more recently went I learnt of the “ka-ohm” atom said to exist in the heart said to resonate the colour blue, is that the reason for the use of the colour blue for the heart chakra in Tibetan Buddhism.

In my meditational practise I sometimes  visualise a blue moon radiating light. To my heart chakra.

Click the links for more on 

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Stormy Weather

I have recently being listening to the podcasts of aeolus kephas which inspired to me write up this blog post. I have been meaning to chronicle these ideas for while.My love of rain storms and lightening developed as a child , when my parents used to take my brothers and I caravaning on a regular basis.
 In the late 80's early 90's  I transition from the hardcore punk scene to the hardcore rave scene and its only now I remember that wonderful track by the little known Bristol based psychedelic punk rock  band "The Seers" entitled "Lightning Strikes". 
I remember the pure pop of the Lightning Seed  and the Bristol outfit "Massive Attack" released a track called "Weather Storm" on the "Protection" Album.
The free raves of Spiral Tribe, Tribal Energy,  Circus Warp were often weather sensitive being out in the countryside under the stars. While the first commercial raves I attended were Perception and Raindance .
 The pop rave of the Shamen fueled an interest in Techno Shamanism and I had read "Thee Grey Book" by "Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth" and it prompted me to observe weather conditions, along with my dreams, what I want to eat, how to keep fit , who and how I wanted to love... 
 I was aware of Native Ameicans raindances and sundances.  While magicians from my own European culture were said to be able to effect the weather. Many ancient and  indegious cultures named deities  in reference to the natural elements. Similarly in  modern fairy tales e.g  Star Wars both the Jedi and Sith use Force "Lightning" and in The X-Men Storm manipulates the weather.
When I got into DJ'ing  two key records in my collection were white labels by an outfit know as "Satin Storm." I had a crush on early Metalheadz "Chemistry and Storm".
   In these days of media spin doctors, the expression "whipping up a storm" is well often used, but on a number of occasions for me it took on an alternative meaning. 
Perhaps the first was when my flat mate Krissy G invited the Pirate radio station "Rush FM" to broadcast from a studio in his bedroom, at first my other flatmate Johnny Jedi and I found this pretty Kool, but the novelty soon began to wear off as a succession of dj's entered the house at all hours of the day and night leaving their rubbish in the hall and stairs and failing to close the door properly. Polite requests and notices to "be considerate" falling on deaf ears . While "Rush FM" were upstairs churning out the drum and bass/jungle to the airwaves, Jonny Jedi and I retreated to the more underground tekno sounds of plink plonk records downstairs. While Jonny Jedi considered the occult significance of the lightning bolts on the plink plonk logo, I had recently received some plink plonk stickers so put one on the front door (which the pirates kept failing to close), imagine our surprise when shortly after i'd done this the radio station antennae was taken out by lightning solving the issue.
Johnny Jedi and myself Steve Skywalker began to go with the flow. i had purchased a series of drum and bass records on Moving Shadow entitled "Storms from the East" our DJ names incidentally were inspired in part by another dynamic duo of Storm trooping Dj's "The Jedi Knights" producing tunes on clear records at the time and later on global communications . I had been fortunate enough to hear "the Jedi's DJ's down at "monk on fire" and began to ponder a new meaning to Whipping up a Storm as once again I was caught without a brolly in a downpour as I left.
Not long after, Johnny Jedi and I threw a moving house party which despite carefully planning took an unexpected turn when at the last minute I decided to make a slight change to the dj line up, shifting a certain female dj friend "Peelee" to an earlier slot and my friend Horton Jupiter to later slot,Horton didn't take this well and decided to abandon the melodic tekno set he been planning and instead play a hard industrial set (to annoy me ?), but what even he hadn't foreseen , was the violent thunder storm that erupted as he took to the decks which shook Clays Lane to its very foundations .
I moved on from Clays Lane to Old Steet put dj'ing on the back burner as I studied Kung Fu and Tai Chi while living for a year at the Buddhist Temple of Supreme Hidden Thunder. My Kung Fu teacher was mixing eastern mantras with electronic sounds and got Friends Lovers and Family producer Phil Earl from Law & Auder to help produce the tracks ,we threw some launch parties for the records including a memorable one where my friend Alex Shaolin (deep played a mellow hip hop set on what was a warm summers evening in faringdon, Phil who was next on the roster brought a box of jungle tekno and as he stepped up to the wheels of steel the clouds gathered and within minutes the heaven s opened as thunder and lightening rained down to sound of a master at work. As the last of the razor sharp beats played out and Phil moved on ,as quickly as it had begun the skies cleared and and sun shone.
I love a little synchronicity ,to me its the essence of taoism and as I moved from Kung fu to Capoeira , I began listening and playing more and more live music , i even began to learn a little berimbau "the original single string instrument" and ( lightening conductor ) I will never forget the first public roda I attended in covent garden led by Master Ousado the roda went on for hours with many different London schools present the Capoeira was played in a variety of different styles but built to an acrobatic and competitive climax and the music led /followed the game ,as the light failed and the bodies tired the rhythms reached a final peak and as all good rodas do it ended in unison and the call of the berimbau. the crowd felt silent for and for a split second everyone held their breath ,then their was almighty clap of thunder and the crowds were scattered to the four corners as the lightning struck rain lashed down.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Oranges and Lemons says the bells of St Clemence and the Cult of Tango

I first started really resonating Orange as a young child. My first childhood bedroom had a white and orange decor with a touch of the magic roundabout. Three walls were white the wall behind the headboard of my bed was orange. I had a chest of drawers and a bedside cabinet, both were predominantly white but the top draw on each was orange.

At some point in the late eighties early nineties , The makers of Tango advertised Orange Tango with it catchphrase "you know when you’ve been Tango'd"  This had multiple meanings. One for the kids in the playground who mimic'd its head slapping antics with a craze that according to national newspaper had to be banned.
For me and other members of the exploding "rave scene"  the "You know when you've been tango'd" catchphrase of Orange Tango had quite a different meaning! 
For me this alternative meaning was reinforced because my brother and I had been travelling up to London at the weekends for our dose of hardcore rave at the "Orange club"

I remember The Orange and Lemon Tango brands were popular at the raves of the time and the mental connection was strengthened in my mind by the words of the popular the rave anthem by "Liquid" entitled "sweet harmony" with its refrain "Bitter sweet, bitter sweet harmony".

As time passed I put my raving days behind me. I studied psychology at Uni and at some point became aware of the banned film "The Clockwork Orange". After leaving Uni I spent one summer working a camp at Bear Mountain, Orange County NY state where I heard stories of UFO's and Eckankar

On return to the UK I took up martial arts and was  exposed to the Buddhist /Taoist teachings of my Kung Fu Master.

My middle name is Clemence (a family name) So the popular nursery rhyme "Oranges and Lemons says the bells of St Clemence." has always held a personal significance for me and even more so after I found myself  living in a Buddhist Temple within the sound of bow bells.
Imagine my horror when one day whilst at the Temple one of my fellow students turned up with some kind of ritual Axe with "Oranges and Lemons say the bells of St Clemence written on it".

It was around this time my mother, who was devout Christian (Roman Catholic) and involved in the Charismatic renewal movement told me all an Easter advertising campaign around the concept of "J.I.M" (Jesus in me) This may or may not have had some connection to the Evangelical Christian movement and the "Holy Trinity Church" Brompton that was doing the Alpha course in the early days.
The "Jesus in Me" concept seemed harmonious to the Christian Buddhist movement. Those Buddhists/Christians that see Christ Conciousness as a state of conciousness comparable with the Buddha’s enlightenment or achieving union with the TAO

So when the following Easter in contrast to the "Jesus in Me" commercials the makers of Tango ran the "Cult of yellow tango commercial" my curiosity was peaked again. I felt like it had special significance . In the commercials everyone in the yellow tango cult wore yellow robes,  enjoyed peace and love and were followers of JIM.

This personal relevance was strengthened as The Buddhist  Temple where I lived for a year, sleeping on the floor was named "The Yellow Dragon Centre" and whilst attending the Buddhist ceremonies we regularly wore yellow robes.

The personal connection seem closer still because around the time the Yellow Tango commercials were aired I had been given a temporary job in a marketing agency that was doing some work for the "Blue Dragon" Chinese food brand. I had heard a great story which involved black and white playboy bunnies and the two the guys that were responsible for the Tango campaign. (apparently one was black the other one white) This further resonated the Taoist nature of the philosophy and seemed to mimic the Black and White Steve dynamic that was playing out at the Yellow Dragon Centre.

To this day I seem to be the only person that obsesses about the meaning behind the commercials , years later they flirted with a "Green" campaign for Apple Tango, a purple campaign for blackcurrant tango, Orange Tango with added kick (Ginger) and even Blueberry Tango sweets called "Blue Balls"

Orange is of course also connected to "The Orange Order" in Northern Ireland who took their name from "William of Orange". Recently my dad who is interested in family history traced our lineage back to the House of Orange (The Grandfather of William)

I sometimes wonder how much of the above is true and how much imagined but the cult will forever be alive in my dreams.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Black Dogs, Smurfs, Elephants, Horton Jupiter, the Moon and the Stars

I have just read The Black Dog Star's blog post entitled "RAW eggs " and was pondering my own resonances with the Black Dogs, Elephants, Horton Jupiter , The moon and the Stars
When I first discovered The Black Dog Star's blog I was reminded of the time I was hypnotised by a stage hypnotist and his "Black Hypno Dog" this coincided with some research on hypnosois as part of my Psychology degree around the same time I was listening to alot of tekno and the group "The Black Dog" were openly discussing occult themes I remember seeing them play live at "Vapoursapce" and was blown away by the Egyptian Black Dog statues (Anubis) on stage. but this wasn't half as freaky as the time a few years later I was given a lift home by my employer at The Brook Street employment agency in Holborn when I was forced to sit in the back of her convertible sports car with two Black Dobermans!
I started resonating the elephant when I went to a private secondary school in Bristol entitled Queen Elizabeths Hospital (QEH) it was commonly referred to as Queer Elephant's House by kids from other schools , prior to this my only resonance with the elephant was the Tarzan TV series and the classic Disney movie Dumbo which was the favourite of my younger brother for a while.
At the age of about twenty three ( a mere psychik youth ) while living at the infamous Clays Lane Housing Coop. My friend "Jonny Jedi" and I threw a classic party we co designed the flyer which was a "Sacred Chao" with a Smurf sumperimposed (I was undergoing a Smurf obssesion at the time) and my neighbours input to the flyer design was to suggest we add an elephant to the design which seem to fit with the smurf/earth conscious vibe we wanted to promote. One of the guest dj's at the party was my friend "Horton Jupiter" one of the founding members of the Clays Lane Jedi Chapter (Click here for the full story). Horton now fronts "They came from the stars ...I saw them" those of you fammiliar with "The Stars" tongue in cheek channelling will get the connection with QEH . I had never heard of "Horton the Elephant" until reading Black Dog Star's post, a few years later I left Clays Lane and moved to old street where my Kung Fu teacher had opened a Buddhist Temple it here I was first introduced to the elephant headed deity Ganesh.
From Kung fu I moved to Capoeira and my Capoeira school "Capoeira Angola Palmares" has the moon and star as its emblem I have always wondered about the symbolism.

Saturday, 28 March 2009

The Robin / Probably a Robbery (Part 1) - Renegade Soundwave

Reading JK's post about synchs concerning the Robin
I was prompted to reply. I have resonated "The Robin" since I was a young child when my first ever football kit was the red and white of Bristol City (The Robins) which I supported.
I was conscious of the Robin in classic "Robin of Sherwood" and "Batman and Robin" television series of my youth .

Batman ,Robin (The Boy Wonder) & Catwoman

In my  youth nother and her 4 sisters used to  communicate by way of a "round robin" chain letter as they were separated across the globe.
I forgot about "the Robin"  until I was much older when I was very into dj'ing and had my bike and many of my records were "robbed" by "a friend" this event confirmed in my mind my Spiral Tribe status the stolen records, which  were now "illegal music" , I entertained the  idea that the Spiral Tribe ethos contained within in it the concept of communal living and perhaps even communal property, Spiral Tribe also resonated with me the idea of "nodes in cyclical time" and that positive outcomes can come about as a result of otherwise misfortunate events. The "Robin" of my records prompted me to move house and my next home was to be a buddhist temple for  the next 12 months ( a life changing move ) I've had become aware that shamanic gifts (found items) while they can be magical and meaningful to the recipient have potential to be someone else's misfortune.
I imagined that stolen items might take on an energy and like a soul that wants to return to source, perhaps stolen items at the moment they are stolen begin a journey home. For me stolen records become can become particularly powerful by acting as kind of sonic tracking device (assuming they don't end up on the shelf or rubbish dump) stolen bikes evoke for me the similar idea and in some communities (e.g. Amsterdam and now London) bikes are good example of a communal property much like newspapers on a tube or property that belongs to an organisation.
It was around the time my records were robbed that I first listened to the radio 1 dj Rob da Bank on his Blue Room programme, not to be confused with the Kiss presenter Robin Banks, I could connect both these dj's to Banksy the stencil graffiti artist ( Banksy, Goldie 3D and Inkie all have a Bristol Barton Hill Youth Club/skateboard ramp connection ) and from banks to ,the Templars but that's another story......
Probably the only other significant robbery in my life was while I was in Brazil , I was staying in a guest house and while i'd been out my bags were robbed (probably an inside job) The main items stolen were a Bad Boy Capoeira T-shirt and the last of my Wagamama t-shirts ( these were the unofficial t-shirts of my kung fu school at the time ) we had no official t-shirts but had received a shamanic gift of a box of wagamama t-shirts ) sadly the t-shirts stolen from me in Brazil were intended as present for my Capoeira teachers Mestres Lazarao and Mestres No of Group Capoeira Angola Palmares .
The events surrounding the robbery were quite eventful, I had been sitting meditating in my hotel room when my rucksack mysteriously fell over , I found this strange so checked it to find I had been robbed of above items ,we notified the hotel that we were leaving and the reasons why (we suspected an inside job).By the time we had reached the end of the road we were arrested and accused of leaving without paying, only the intervention of lawyers from AFS Brazil and support from Mestre Lazarao avoided a night in the cells.

Probably a Robbery - Part 2 can be found here

Probably a Robbery -The Shadow  (part 3) can be found here

Friday, 13 March 2009

The Hardcore Continuum

Yesterday I listened to the Simon Reynolds "Hardcore Continuum" lecture.

I haven't had a chance to check out much of the debate it has generated, but it really resonated with me. 
In my view many of these "new" genres are really conjured up in the years preceding their first appearance as on recorded medium
 seeds  are sewn in fleeting moments of DJ's mix.  Are germinated then evolved from the dreams and splinters in the minds eye of the dj's and ravers , to be recreated in the studios of producers and recorded on wax or cd's ,  days, weeks, even years later.

I started to think of my own personal journey the moment when I entered the the continuum , and its intersection with other musical styles in my lfe

ie my own Fwd evolution & re-evolution

-church music (organ and acoustic/folk music)
-recorder , piano,  guitar , violin and clarinet lessons.
-70 and 80 pop
-80's ska, rock & metal
-Hardcore punk, early US electro and rap
-Indie rock and dance
- breakbeat & acid house,bleep techno, house
- Hardcore Rave,
- Jungle / Drum and Bass , Techno and Trance
- Rare Groove , New Jack Swing , Hip Hop, R&B
-Deep House ,Tribal House , Chicago House ,Detroit House, 
-Acid techno
-Speed Garage , 2 Step ,UK Garage , Breaks, Tech House
-Psi Trance
-Rio Funk, Crunk, Grime, Dubstep
-Dub Reggae
-Funky & Bassline

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Oxum and Xango - Sandra and Steve - Oshun and Shango

Today my attention was drawn to the similarities between the descriptions of Oxum/Oshun and my wife (Love, Intimacy,Beauty ,Fiery Temper, Love of Cooking )I noticed she is the favourite wife of Xango/Shango and was drawn to the links with aspects of myself ( Xango the Sky God /my alias Skywalker) Xango ,God of Thunder, my longstanding interest and experiences around Thunder & Lightning / (my Buddhist Temple is Temple of Hidden Thunder) Xango sounds like tango and i went through a period of obsession around the fruit drink Tango and the dj tango, my wife loves the Tango

Does this makes sense to you ? What does it mean ?

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


One True Topi Tribe

T.O.P.I - ST A T E M E N T O V I N T E N T
Thee Temple ov Psychick Initiates (TOPI) exists to promote a system ov functional, demystified magick, utilising both pagan and modern techniques. It is a process ov individual and collective experimentation and research with no finite answers, dogmas or unchallengeable truths. It is for each to discover his or her own understanding ov thee questions that suggest themselves, and through that voyage ov discovery to find their personal and true identity, thee True Will.We are an organization of Individuals dedicated to updating and de-mystifying religious thought. We are also dedicated to creating a world where Individuals can be free to express themselves by whatever means they wish to. We wish to break Control at all levels. We experiment with whatever methods we can utilize to accomplish these goals - magick, technology, poetry, musick, whatever!As first steps towards change, we attempt to cultivate an awareness ov thee consequences ov our thoughts and actions, and to direct our energies in constructive directions. All this is done on thee understanding that our thoughts and behaviour form thee interface between our lives and thee lives ov others, and their repercussions are therefore endlessly returning.Awareness is consequently a requirement for our personal and collective survival and evolution. Still, we recognise that awareness itself is dependent on information, communication, and personal commitment. Our work is subsequently practical, exchanging models and methods we have found useful to ourselves. Thus we do not dictate, but rather focus on expanding thee available possibilities through thee cross-fertilisation ov suggestions, successes, and failures. And for us this is a full-time commitment, a continual process ov being, an endless myriad ov becomings.