A few years ago when I started training Capoeira my Kung Fu teacher jokingly refered to it as "yellow chicken dancing" as opposed to his own martial arts style "Yellow Dragon Fist" but he never said I shoudn't practise ! It also actually made me think of how cockerals fight... Lately a friend of mine has be training Brazillian Ju Jitsu with the Gracie school at the Tokei Martial arts centre in London Bridge which has a cockerel as its motif. I have been syncing quite a few "chickens" and "cockerels" lately and recently an online friend posted on the cockerels connection to the Orisha "Shango" I have also noticed a sexual symbolism. Currently my sons favourite clip is the brazillan nursery ryme "meu pintinho amarelinho" about a little yellow chick.
That's funny, as the reason I checked out your blog in the first place was because of a personal connection between use of the words "thee" and ov" with chickens! haha!
Today I acquired a chicken for our back garden from an unexpected source and after building a chicken coop my wife took a photo at that same moment my brother who is travelling in the Philippines posted a photo of a cockeral on a farm he was staying (cock fighting is still a thing in the Philippines
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