Sunday 23 November 2008

Communion with UFOs at Bear Mountain

In the summer after I graduated I spent three months working at camp "Kiwago" upstate New York for "Camp America". Our camp was situated by a beautiful lake in the shadow of "Bear Mountain" which I later learned was a sacred mountain for the Alogonquin Indians. I had been at camp for a month or so when I had my first weekend off and was given the opportunity to visit New York City. I naturally jumped at the chance and while wandering the streets of Manhattan a thought came into my head that I should buy a particular book that I remembered people reading on the bus while I travelled to school a few years earlier. I particularly remembered the book had an strange image of humanoid figure on the front cover (which i now knew was a "grey alien") I also remembered the book was printed with the spine on the wrong side. Imagine my shock when literally moments later I turned a corner to see the same image postered from top to bottom across what appeared to be a shop front.I tentatively pushed the door of the shop open to find it seemed to be the haunt of some skateboarders and DJ's (both interests in which I shared) they were also seemingly obsessed with ufo's and alien abduction.I proceeded to have great chat about all sorts of underground things things like Genesis P'Orridge and T.O.P.Y and they gave me some tips on where to check out in New York,including a bookshop a few yards down the road where I could purchase a copy of the book "Communion" which I packed away in my bag for a rainy day.A couple of weeks later, back on camp after the kids were asleep, I lay down on my bunk in my log cabin and reached for the copy "Communion" which I had purchased.Once again my jaw dropped as I read the first few pages of this apparently true story of an alien abduction, the events of which took place upstate New York in a log cabin in the vicinity of Bear Mountain.

Click the links for more of my experiences at Bear Mountain  

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