Friday 28 May 2021

Dream Work

Since early childhood I have have always been very concious of my dreams and loved the story of Joseph and his techicoloured dream coat. When I read Freud and Jung whilst studying  Psychology at University I wondered if I would finally learn to understand my dreams. While at Uni I was introduced to the idea of keeping a dream diary by members of Topy/Topi.

It was about the time James Redfield published the Celestine Prophecy, which discussed being guided by synchronicity and dreams.

While working on a summer camp "Kiwago" near Bear Mountain  in upstate New York I met members of Eckankar  who took Dream Diaries, Dream Sharing  and "Soul Travel" to another level.

Those folk at Topy/Topi also encouraged me to think about what I really wanted to do, so on returning to the UK  I began to study martial arts and it was my Kung Fu  teacher Simon Wong  a Vajrayana Buddhist Master in the True Buddha School that first told me about Tibetan Dream Yoga and the Rainbow light Body.

I continued my dream diary off and on over the years but since the pandemic I've been particularly consistent with Dream recall. Also during this period I have been working with The Dream Decipherer a Jungian of Afro/Native American descent. 

I also connected with the Dream Fisher who introduced me to Social Dreaming matrices. 

For more tales of lucid dreams and telepathy click on

The Way of the Dream Warrior


Jack Heart said...

Cheers! - JH

JSteveKane said...