Sunday 8 November 2009

White Wolves / Werewolves / Lone Wolves

For about a week or so  I'd been experiencing a succession W.W.  synchronicities.  (White Wolves, WereWolves, Water World , WestWood, Way out West, Wascal Wabbit) Then  I saw Arrowsmith  posted about the  WOLF/FLOW on his blog , and today I was reading the latest post by Neil Kramer on "The Cleaver" ( which included lots of images of wolves ) No sooner had I finished reading it when Shakira's new tune "She Wolf" came on MTV in the background.

  I'm concious that far right White supremacist Facist/Nazi organisations (BNP/NF/EDL etc) have started to use White Wolf symbolism just like they have tried to appropriate the history of Winston Churchill and take "ownership" of union jack etc. 
I think it's interesting the far right groups resonate with the wolf as I believe their "politics of hate" is a result not just of ignorance but a deep seated fear.
They hunt in packs preying on the vulnerable. Wolves like many dogs when hunting smell the fear and these far right political leaders do similar things smelling the fear in their potential recruits.
The Buddha and later Yoda said "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred and hatred leads to suffering...." and this is sadly a description of the activity of the far right
 Like the "K" Liberation Front my instinct is to challenge Far right organisations over ownership of language  and symbols which should be common currency.
I first became concious of the wolf archetype with the children's favourite "Little Red Riding Hood
I first became aware of the werewolf in the seldom remembered american TV series "Lucan". A more typical werewolf "Professor Lupus"  afflicted by his transformation at the full moon caught my imagination in the Harry Potter Books.
 In my mid teens I was exposed to the more "adult" version of little red riding hood and became more aware of sexual themes related to the werewolf archetype. Human sexuality unfettered, like an untrained dog, can have dangerous consequences. Informational exchange with Agents ov thee 23rd current reintroduced me to the Wolf archetype to in relation to "Sleeping Dogs" and the awakening of conciousness. Energetic practises relating to the use of  "chi" or "kundalini" energy to raise consciousness, makes one aware of the uses of sexual energy in ways other than carnal pleasures or procreation.

The Wolfen by Whitley Striber is a dark take on extra terrestrials descended from canids preying on humanity.
 A positive spin in on wolves was provided in "Dances with Wolves" featuring Kevin Kostner

 In Capoeira there's an expression "The lone wolf" for a player that for whatever reason doesn't have a group or Master to call their own. Since moving away from London, while I haven't left my group or severed ties with my Master,  I  have felt somewhat of a "Lone Wolf"
The "Lone Wolf" is also used to refer to "The Ronin" - The  Samurai with no Lord or Master wandering the land providing security for hire.
 Thus to me the wolf represents the awakened conciousness , not the vicious hunter driven unconsciously by fear.

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