Sunday, 8 November 2009


Part 1

Recently a blog by Chris Knowles (The Secret Sun) drew my attention to Mike Clelland "The Owl Guy" who wrote "The Messengers" a book about Owls,Synchronicity and the UFO abductee". In the book they mention an observed relationship between "contactees" and people whose mothers having an unusual interest in Owls.
This resonated with me because when I was a teenager my mother suggested to me I start an "owl collection" I wasn't that keen on the idea ,but my mother was clearly into it, she owned a green morris minor with the registration plate "owl" and had placed a little cuddly toy owl in the back windscreen,
she proceed to give me "owls" at every opportunity Christmas, birthdays on holiday etc. she would buy them in gift shops etc. I had china owls ,posters paintings mobiles, pencils, key rings etc. you name it ( my brothers were not exactly jealous cause they always new the extra present I got would be an owl)
I never thought much of the significance apart from briefly when we studied a book entitled "the owl service" in English Literature .

I'm not sure if I noticed the Owl in David Bowies "Labyrinth"

I kind of forgot about owls after my mother passed on , more recently my Capoeria teacher gave me the nick name of "curugito" which i think means "owl" or little owl Courigitto was the "familiar" of "She Ra" Princess of Power" the opposite number of "Orco" from the "He Man" cartoon , later my teacher renamed me "curugito sonhador "The owl dreamer"

Part 2

Owl & Snake

When I first wrote this note while I was watching the qualifying in the Brazillian GP they showed an Owl sitting by the track , then the camera switch to one of the cars No 23 , The illuminati will know why I smiled
It wouldn't have warranted a note , but seconds later i received a flyer reminding me of the forthcoming Ugly Funk / Vinyl Pleasures "Last Revolution" party at the Foundry at which a friend "DJ wrongspeed" is playing at . I quickly Googled "DJ Wrongspeed" to see his latest podcast is entitled "A bad day for Owling Championships"

Over Christmas I've been resonating the Blue cats ,Blue moons and Smurfs today I switched to Blue Owls and at the very moment a friend from work commented on my new profile pic it I saw an advert for centreparks featuring an owl .. anyone for a holiday ?

Part 3 August 2010

Just got back from a family holiday in Cornwall where my mothers family came from, I noticed there is a place called the "Screech Owl Sanctuary " near Newquay and something was tugging at me to make a visit.

I very much relate Owls to my Mum (Rip) and spirits /aliens so it was interesting when I saw a post by Everett about their appearance in the film "the fourth kind" and ancient Sumerian culture references / native American culture references.


JSteveKane said...

This weekend the Owls returned ,Yesterday my wife bought a kitchen clock with birds instead of numbers and on each hour it sings the song of a different bird at 12 o'clock is a Tawny Owl and at 6'oclock is a Barn Owl.This alone was unremarkable ,but today when i went out delivering flyers for my Tai Chi teacher art exhibition, I saw a new piece of graffiti which you guessed it was an Owl

JSteveKane said...

The Owls returned to haunt when "junglette" joined my workplace in addition to our mutual appreciation of Kool london and Jungle we shared a an interest in Owls Halloween and Blue Cats

JSteveKane said...

Lots of stuff on OWLS at this blog