Wednesday, 17 March 2021

B. B.'s

Barnacle and Belinda Bug

When I was very young probably under five, my mother went through a phase of using quite a strange technique to encourage my older brother and I to behave. If he was acting up she would say "Oh you been hanging out with that girl "Belinda" from the Bug family down the road. She's such a bad influence on you, that Belinda Bug."

 If I was acting up (and I was a far more difficult child than my brother ) she was even more weird, she would say "What are you doing in my house 'Barnacle Bug' ? go back to your own family down the road and tell my son Stephen to return here immediately."

British / Bristol Bulldog

Bristol Balloons

Bristol  Bears

Barnaby Bear

Bingo BangoBasement Jax

Bastard Bunny

Breakin Bones / Bassbin Brothers

Boss Babe

Beach Body

Bad Boy

B Boy

Beastie Boys

Bitch Boy

Blue Balls -  Tango

Breaking Bread - Communion

Bumble Bee

Bristol Badgers

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