Monday, 6 December 2010

The Fist of the North Star and Glenn Danzig vs the North Side Kings

Today I saw a new blogpost referring to the anime/manga Film "Fist of the North Star". It reminded me of a sync flap I experienced between; 
A) he Graffiti artist "Fist A" who was sent to prison for a number of years,( which always seemed to me like an over reaction to me).
B) The Lesbian S&M club "Fist" (which a friend of mine used to attend but never invited me - lol )
C) My Kung Fu school Yellow Dragon Fist

The "Fist of the North Star" sync'd with "The North Side Kings" who had a well publicised fallout with the singer Glenn Danzig. Glenn Danzig originally fronted the Punk band "The Misfits" comprised of Glenn Danzig, Gerry Only , Robbo (also of Black Flag) .. . I discovered the Misfits when Metallica covered two their tunes on "The garage days re re visited e.p." I thought were  they were "The Dogs ..." ,they later evolved into Samhain and finally "Danzig", It was during the Danzig era that Glenn Danzig introduced me to "The Nag Hammadi scrolls" and Gnosticism. Glen Danzig was a paradoxical figure and I had always heard stories that he could be an obnoxious twit with a big ego and one of his best songs "London Dungeon" was apparently written after he got into a fight and was arrested during on the Misfits only ever uk tour supporting The Dammed.
Well hero's I guess our heros are fated to disappoint and the now famous "Danzig vs North Side Kings" incident brought everything full circle , in attitude "The North Side Kings" were everything "Danzig" should have been.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Jungian Counselling

Today I was asked if I could provide counselling for someone who has been experiencing domestic violence ,I am not currently practising but it did prompt me to think what therapeutic approach I would use and or recommend, lately I have been reading mostly Jungian psychology, the synchronicity soon took over when for completely unrelated reason later in the day I happened upon the website of an old friend who it transpires has been studying the Jungian therapeutic approach

Monday, 11 October 2010

Ne yo... Neo

I'm intrigued by Ne Yo and Neo both are unafraid to show their vulnerability to the beautiful women they love and seem to struggle with their identity

"The Matrix has you...
Follow the White Rabbit 
Knock Knock Neo"

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Psychic TV / TG's

Over the last few days I have a number synchronicities in close succession where I have observed multiple appearances of the same name/number which have particular resonance to me but in relations to different people/ event/ identities

#1 When I first started Kung Fu I trained with a guy who had produced acid house tunes under  the name of "boomerang" on sperm records , He had also remixed a track by Psychic TV on Temple Records.

#2 was my discovery on 23 September of a forthcoming appearance of the original line up of Throbbing Gristle ( members of which went of to form Psychic TV)  on 23 October a few weeks before the Halloween Torture Garden) on 31st October. Torture Garden was named in part in homage to Throbbing Gristle and both are commonly reffered to as TG .
Thee Temple of Psychic Youth which was formed as pseudo cult and the media branch of Psychic TV did a performance at an early Torture Garden and were granted lifetime memberships.

#3 was the following banner for Psychic TV /PTV3 featuring former members of TG
"alien brain vs maggot brain" (Funkadelic)


Sunday, 8 August 2010

Fade to Grey

In the 90's I was in a promo video by Euro pop artist "Mark Oh" a cover of "Fade to Grey" by Visage (The band Steve Strange was in during the 80's) ,

The Grey Lady (traditional English Public school Ghost)

Gandalf the Grey

The Grey Aliens (Communion etc)
Richard Grey (Megatripolis)

Thee Grey Book (TOPY)

Mr Grey (fifty shades)
Grey Code  - Metalheadz

Jean Grey - Dark Phoenix

Grey Wolf 

Grey Owl

Steve Grey

Sue Gray

Click the links for more  Grace  Green & "G's"

Sunday, 13 June 2010


I turned up at my capoeria class this week to be greeted by a east European visitor called MAYA who was sitting outside, the first to arrive, When the person arrived to open the space she introduced her three year old daughter called Maya , and when I commented on the synchronicity she said MAYA means "close to God" in Hebrew.
I first met a women called Maya many years ago at A very underground techno party at the old school house , at the height of the party I accidentally wandered onto the stage near to where the DJ was supposed to be playing but the record decks appeared to be deserted , a women stopped me and asked what I was doing I said "isn't  DJ AZTEK supposed to be playing ?" and she said "yes he is !I am his dj partner my name is MAYA " my memory of this incident has always been vague as I was in a bit of a trance state , I got the feeling mistakenly that in that moment she was saying I could be the DJ AZTEK and she could be my girlfriend,( I should have been so lucky AZTEK was my DJ hero at the time )
 I put this all to the back of my mind until I read the book "The Celestine Prophecy" based in South America with talks about the spirituality of the MAYAN. and of course I was introduced to the 2012 end MAYAN calendar theory by Terrance Mckenna , the proof of which plods ever closer.
More recently MAYA returned when I met the tarot reader ,and self realised Goddess Srimati Maha Shakti Everlasting online what it all means who can tell ?

Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Red Hand

The Red Hand Gang

Click the links for more Red resonances

Thursday, 29 April 2010

lucid dreaming and the octopus radiant

Last night I dreamt I was surfing with an octopus. Today I heard that the new release on my friend David K Framptons  "eyeless records" label is to be called "radiant octopus"

For more fishy tales of dreams and telepathy click on

Monday, 19 April 2010

Sunday, 14 March 2010

The End, The Foundry, Plastic People

I remember when the End was opened by Mr C and Layo (apparently using profits from his time in the shamen) and went some of the first nights , It became a clubbing institution. I will probably never forget some of the nights I spent there. But all good things come to an end!
I previous reffered in Owl Syncs to the demise of the Foundry in Shoreditch. This bar, gallery, party venue has been a feature of the shoreditch scene for nearly a decade.Its living life on the edge and may already have been sold to developers for the site of a plush new hotel ,despite a passioned plea from Bill drummond of the KLF it seems its days are numbered and attention has shifted to Plastic people which also faces a closure order well they say these things come in 3's 
 Last night I went to what might be my last night at the foundry featureing DJ's Wrongspeed and Orgone , Some of my best memories of the foundry include ; being freaked out by a chaos magician in the basement at Lisa Lovebuckets birthday party, chatting to two dominatrixes about the church of subgenius the night I met hooray 23, being asked to DJ for Yellow Dragon Records and of listening to friends and meeting new ones at "Vinyl pleasures".  Life is changing for me but "The Owls" have returned, last night DJ Orgone (the new tech house sensation) reminded me of The Owl references in Twin peaks , and today Steve Willner mentioned an Owl/Osirus connection in a podcast on Red Ice Radio.While my wife is determined I post a photo of myself standing beside "owl" my parents morris minor saloon.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The 333

Yesterday I saw a blog post by Goddess Glory about the 333 ,I've been resonating the 333 for a number of years but apart from "Bill Drummond" of the legendary "KLF"'s Book "33" (which I lost about a week ago) no one else has really mentioned it to me. It started when I had dream that I owned a special card which had the words "United states of Mind/Mayan Kind - ADMIT 1 4 3" printed on it and which would get me entry into all my favourite clubs for free". Not long after this, a long running London nightclub that a friend of mine used to attend in Shoreditch named "The London Apprentice" was closed down and reopened under new management and called "The 333" This coincided with my moving to Shoreditch and the opening of the Yellow Dragon Centre.In the early days off the 333 I attended on a regular basis. At the time there was a regular Hip Hop breaks night at this club which I used to attend which had a DJ named 33 1/3 alongside Orson (Transparent Sound) .
Other nights I attended included "OMSK" and the "Shaolin film club" at which my Kung fu teacher did a Kung Fu demostration.
In numerology  c=3   if  C represents the Crown Chakra ,  The 3 K's  of the The  Magi /wise men = Christ /Cosmic Conciousmess  = C3P0
I guess the other major association I have with 33 is that of the 33rd Degree Freemasons ( in those schools that have more than 3 degrees) which take us to motown and the Detroit Grand Pubahs"
So back to yesterday, which happened to be a work colleagues birthday 03 03 , I was chatting to him today and we realised the letters of the year of his birth year add up to you guessed it 33!

33 / 330 million God's of Hinduism

Click the links for more on the 3Degrees , 3 Dee's , 3D's and 3D

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

white rabbits, janitors, the number 17 and "the heyoka" (sacred clown)

Yesterday the subject of "kinky" sex came up at work and seeing myself as a broadminded free thinking character , I decided to embrace the Flow/Wolf and allow the White Rabbit / Trickster / Phooka to do his magick. 2+2 =5 The sync door flew open. When I got home I saw the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains intrigue me" on a friends status. This sync'd with my conversation at work and the name of a party organised by my friend called "breakin bones" so I  promtly did a cut and paste job to my own status. I also got a email about a forthcoming performance by Bill Drummond and "the 17" in aid of Haiti, ( the only nation to successfully rise up and throw off the shackle of slavery by political rebellion)
I also had a completly unrelated facebook conversation about "the mild mannered janitors"  in Hong Kong Phooey who could be see as Hong Kong Phooey's higher self or guardian angel.
Today the syncs have kept flowing Arrowsmith has posted a blog entry entitled the "clown charkra" about Dreams of a Thunderbird and the "Heyoka" or "Sacred Clown" . Indras net has posted a blog entry entiled "17-again-and-jupiter-janus-phooka" about a Phooka/White Rabbit that appears in the form of a janitor / Caretaker !
as I write this I'm thinking how my work colleagues will read the word "phooka" and the film "meet the F**kers . What have I started ? time to escape the rabbit hole.

Monday, 18 January 2010


Sounds of Streets,

Soul Sonic Force,

Satin Storm

Shamen old Songs / Show of Strength / Save our Statesmen - E.P.

Solid Steel -   Coldcut / DJ Food (Ninja Tune)

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Red envelopes ,Red Eyes and Jedi Smurfs

In Chinese culture there is a tradition around the time of Chinese new year (the lunar new year as opposed to the solar new year) of placing money in red envelopes and giving them to the Lions along with a cabbage that does the new years lion dance as an offering to the deities to bestow good health and good fortune this money is usually distributed amongst local charities.

I usually make a donation in a red envelope at this time of year to the charity of my Buddhist/ Taoist /kung Fu master so it was no surprise to receive his email of where to send the red envelope donation ,I was however surprised to receive a demand on the same day for a donation from another “authority” of a more dubious nature.

Faced with Hobson’s choice by these synchronistic demands, It was interesting to note the supernatural advice of my daily tarot card which suggested In considering my priorities I should support those organisations/individuals with a track record of supporting me.
My mind turned from my red envelope donation to the reddish purple bruising above my eye I had received that day in an “accident”, giving me a new slant on the term "red eye", it also reminded me of the lineage ancestor of my kung fu style "red eyebrow." I have come to see the term "red eye" as indication of some temporary or permanent altered state of consciousness in which messages are received . this idea has been developed by a number of synchromystic bloggers recently.
I have on occasion wondered about the supposed supernatural abilities of telepathy etc hinted at in descriptions of the old masters ,was red eyebrow one such master?

Until now I have never blogged on the similarities between the term "Red Eye and "Jedi" , The Jedi are in the story also Masters with supernatural powers so I smiled when I saw an article in the most recent Hackney Today about The new “Joint Enforcement Development Initiative” J.E.D.I. being trialled in the nightclubs of Hoxton/Shoreditch by a body made up of hackney councillors and police with a remit to investigating Health and Safety concerns in the nightlife.

This new initiative reminded me of a story I heard years ago of a London Jungle DJ Smurf who was renowned at all the heaviest Hardcore/Jungle/Techno raves as the authority on health and safety matters. I have blogged before about the smurfs and hinted at a smurf/jedi connection ( first highlighted to me by the Global Communications/Evolution DJ’s aka the Jedi Knights!) Who also first introduced me to the concept of lucid dreaming
To me the Smurfs represent a smurf/earth consciousness which has as fundamental principle Health and Safety

Click the links  for more on, 

Real Eyes , Spiral Eyes , Kingsmead Eyes3rd Eye Vision