Sunday 26 September 2010

Psychic TV / TG's

Over the last few days I have a number synchronicities in close succession where I have observed multiple appearances of the same name/number which have particular resonance to me but in relations to different people/ event/ identities

#1 When I first started Kung Fu I trained with a guy who had produced acid house tunes under  the name of "boomerang" on sperm records , He had also remixed a track by Psychic TV on Temple Records.

#2 was my discovery on 23 September of a forthcoming appearance of the original line up of Throbbing Gristle ( members of which went of to form Psychic TV)  on 23 October a few weeks before the Halloween Torture Garden) on 31st October. Torture Garden was named in part in homage to Throbbing Gristle and both are commonly reffered to as TG .
Thee Temple of Psychic Youth which was formed as pseudo cult and the media branch of Psychic TV did a performance at an early Torture Garden and were granted lifetime memberships.

#3 was the following banner for Psychic TV /PTV3 featuring former members of TG
"alien brain vs maggot brain" (Funkadelic)


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