David Icke's views on "reptilians" are fairly well known.I think they are sometimes taken a too literally.Certainly the study of the physiology of the human brain confirms we all have the reptilian/mamalian sections which developed at a different stages of our evolution.Perhaps we differ to the extent our behaviour is determined by different parts of our physiology. A friend sent me this link which puts a postive spin on the whole reptilian question.
In the Christian tradition the snake represents Satan that tempted Eve to eat from the fruit of knowledge, thereby making the first choice of free will, contary to the Divine will. This "Fall from eden/paradise" was simultaneously a realisation of good and evil and hence a moment of enlightenment.
The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tail. Lately I have become aware of the very fluid movements of some Martial artists who move around each other in similar way to the way snakes move, this is particularly noticeble in some Brazillian Jujitsu or Capoeira fights.
In Kung Fu, the snake is traditionally one of the mythical "five animals" Those who follow the way of the warrior sometimes use their kung fu to achieve the ultimate goal of self mastery/enlightenment.
The snake in some eastern traditions represents the kundalini energy that rises up the spine from the lower chakra to the crown to enlighten/illuminate the yoga practioner.