Part I
I've been seeing lots of white rabbits lately and they have a deep resonance for me. At the weekend I went to Bristol and my neice showed me her favourite cuddly toy called "magic rabbit" (its white). I noticed last week the white rabbit on the titles to "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" , and how they sync'd with the white rabbits on a canvas poster near my home by clapton pond,
White rabbits are perhaps best know as the symbol of the stage magician or the playboy bunny and of course there's the white rabbit in Lewis Carols "Alice" books.
White rabbits are perhaps best know as the symbol of the stage magician or the playboy bunny and of course there's the white rabbit in Lewis Carols "Alice" books.
In the Matrix ,Neo's path towards awakening was symbolised in various ways one of which was "following the white rabbit." A few years later The White Rabbit symbol appeared again in another film as Frank's costume in Donnie Darko.
I had a personal experience with going down the "rabbit hole" of the white rabbit in the nineties when "Lord Sabre " from Sabresonic / Sabres of Paradise used the imagery around the same time I was reading Robert Anton Wilsons "Illuminatus" R.A.W (who early in his career wrote for playboy) wrote a commentary on the white rabbit in his "cosmic trigger" trilogy.
Part II
"The pookah takes many forms, but is most famous when he appears as a giant, six-foot white rabbit - which is the form most Americans know from the play and film, "Harvey".k Whatever form the pookah takes, he retains the special ability of his species, which is like that of Thoth in Egyptian legend, Coyote in Native American myth or Hanuman the Divine Monkey in Hindu lore - he can move us from one universe, or Belief System, into another, and he likes to play games with our ideas about 'reality.''"
From Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger Volume 2.
Part III
I started this post on 30th November, so was amazed when the following morning my colleague at work told me about the expression"white rabbits white rabbits white rabbits" which it is apparently good luck to say on the first day of each month.A number of conversations have occured since then and I have been reminded of the further rabbit resonances in my life ; Brear Rabbit (the trickster) which my dad used to read to me as a child, the rabbits of watership down, the "grey" rabbit of bugs bunny, the sexy rabbit (hare) of the cadbury's caramel adds and the film "Who framed Roger Rabbit?"
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