Thursday 29 December 2022


The passing of Viviene Westwood  "The Queen of Punk" has triggered this long overdue post. I was too young to experience punk in its heyday. But for the imagery/styling of the Sex Pistols , Adam Ant etc alone,  I think Viviene Westwood deserves her place in the history books.
 Sid Vicious died young, Jonny Rotten/Lydon like so many hero's has lived on to disappoint. Viviene Westwood however managed to navigate commercial success and retain her artistic credibility. 

Which brings me to the other Westwood , I think  most hop hop lovers who listened to the  DJ Tim Westwood show did so with some mixed thoughts abouts his "persona"  but most dismissed it as harmless or excused it due to their interest in the music he played. But even as his caricature became increasingly embarrassing few realised he would become the next  in the long list of Radio 1 djs to be accused of abusing vulnerable young women.
 Which brings us full circle to the Sex Pistols  and the politics of punk it was they who were amongst the earliest to call out Jimmi Saville for his paedophilia, but  their voice was silenced.

Viviene Westwood RIP

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