Wednesday 27 September 2023

Mark Harrisons

 Dreaming in Yellow , The story of the DIY Sound System - Mark Harry Harrison

Darker Electricity , The Origins of the Spiral Tribe Sound System - Mark Angelo Harrison

Click the links for more Marks and Harrisons

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Saturday 9 September 2023

Lê lê / Le le

Lele Nairne - Judoka @ Pedro Bessa Dojo/Sweatbox

Lê lê - Capoeira

Nessa Vida Sozinho Eu Não Sei Andar
In this life I am not able to walk alone.

Lêlê ô ô iaia
Le le o o ia ia 

Trago a capoeira pra me acompanhar
I have capoeira to accompany  me.

Click for more LL's