Wednesday 24 January 2024

Fighting Fantasy


I remember as a kid being introduced to a new style of book by my Big brother who came home from boarding school one weekend with "The Citadel of Chaos" by Steve Jackson I was already into Dungeons and Dragons so he knew I would love it. I quickly bought "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain" and the "Forest of Doom" from "Forever People" . The non linear approach of the books mirrored way the computer programs moved to different subroutines and in those day we were taking our first programing steps in "basic".

Years later when I started this blog and began linking one post to another I was reminded of the way the fighting fantasy books linked together.

Sunday 21 January 2024


 Orson Welles - Citizen Kane

Orson Bramley - Transparent Sound

Monday 8 January 2024



Recently an attendee of my judo club joined the group chat under the name Jose , a number of us assumed it was a Latin American guy  not realising it was in fact a British girl,  her name being pronounced Josie. When she recently met my wife she introduced herself by saying "Hi I'm the woman that beats your husband up"

There have been a few Josies in my life. I used to house share with a girl called Josie until I met my wife and moved out to get married .

My brother named his daughter (my neice) Josie with more than a nod to "The Outlaw Josey  Wales" and when she was little I called her Josie Jo Jo"

DJ Josie Rebelle