Friday 28 May 2021

Dream Work

Since early childhood I have have always been very concious of my dreams and loved the story of Joseph and his techicoloured dream coat. When I read Freud and Jung whilst studying  Psychology at University I wondered if I would finally learn to understand my dreams. While at Uni I was introduced to the idea of keeping a dream diary by members of Topy/Topi.

It was about the time James Redfield published the Celestine Prophecy, which discussed being guided by synchronicity and dreams.

While working on a summer camp "Kiwago" near Bear Mountain  in upstate New York I met members of Eckankar  who took Dream Diaries, Dream Sharing  and "Soul Travel" to another level.

Those folk at Topy/Topi also encouraged me to think about what I really wanted to do, so on returning to the UK  I began to study martial arts and it was my Kung Fu  teacher Simon Wong  a Vajrayana Buddhist Master in the True Buddha School that first told me about Tibetan Dream Yoga and the Rainbow light Body.

I continued my dream diary off and on over the years but since the pandemic I've been particularly consistent with Dream recall. Also during this period I have been working with The Dream Decipherer a Jungian of Afro/Native American descent. 

I also connected with the Dream Fisher who introduced me to Social Dreaming matrices. 

For more tales of lucid dreams and telepathy click on

The Way of the Dream Warrior



    Cheers! - JH

