Wednesday 11 March 2009

Oxum and Xango - Sandra and Steve - Oshun and Shango

Today my attention was drawn to the similarities between the descriptions of Oxum/Oshun and my wife (Love, Intimacy,Beauty ,Fiery Temper, Love of Cooking )I noticed she is the favourite wife of Xango/Shango and was drawn to the links with aspects of myself ( Xango the Sky God /my alias Skywalker) Xango ,God of Thunder, my longstanding interest and experiences around Thunder & Lightning / (my Buddhist Temple is Temple of Hidden Thunder) Xango sounds like tango and i went through a period of obsession around the fruit drink Tango and the dj tango, my wife loves the Tango

Does this makes sense to you ? What does it mean ?

1 comment:

  1. "DJango unchained" is Quentin Tarantino's new "spaghetti western ,his previous work included Kill Bill where the character of Bill was David Carradine who also played Cain in the 70's series "kung fu" and died (tragically a few years ago allegedly of auto-erotic asphyxiation, DJango is set in the era of slavery and DJango is an escaped/freed slave on a mission of Liberation
