Friday 16 September 2022

As Dreams Become Reality (part 2) The Elbow

Guy Garvey (Lead singer of Elbow)

Back when I was 23 I had an experience that would significantly alter the course of my life. I had visited my family for the weekend. On the friday night I had a memorable dream that I was on a hospital trolley being wheeled into theatre for an operation.

The next day I went out for drinks with my brother and his friends. As we were leaving the pub (a little worse for wear) I fell over a low chain in the car park, causing some laughter.We went back to my brothers flat for few more drinks,  but I had knocked my elbow in the fall which was hurting. After a while my brother said "Your not really the mood any more why don't you call it a night and go home." So I left and walked to parents house where I was staying.

The next morning when I went downstairs my mum said "You look dreadful" I explained I had fallen and hurt my elbow. When I showed it to her,  it had swollen up, so she suggested we go to hospital to have it checked out. It turned out to be a significant break requiring an operation and some metal implanted. I was admitted and that evening I found my self on a hospital trolley being wheeled into theatre just as in my dream.

I have since read that sometimes a "Shamanic Awakening"  can be precipitated by  dream and/or physical trauma.

Following the operation had to to spend a week at my parents to recover. As I returned to London I was thinking "I need to turn my life around, clean up my act,  get a decent job , do some exercise, etc " As I had this thought  I saw a poster for a "Tai Chi Kung Fu" class with the strap line  "Learn to focus you mind, body and spirit as one force" as soon as my arm was better I enrolled and the rest is history.

Click the links for Part 1 and more of my adventures on the Dream Frequency

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