Monday, 17 August 2020

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Steve's - DJ's /MC's/Producers

Steve Wright
Steve Strange
Steve Silk Hurley - Jack your Body
Stevie V 

Stevie Hyper D
Shining Steve Shambhala
Steve "Smooth" Sutherland
Steve Spacek
Steve Aoki
Jack Stevens (DJ Sully)
Steven Harris (MC Navigator)

Tuesday, 4 August 2020


When I was very young about 5 years old I used to have a reoccurring dream/nightmare that I was at the centre of a square maze. At the entrance/exit in one corner stood Darth Vader. At the entrance/exit at the other corner stood Rupert the Bear. Every few seconds both Darth Vader and Rupert the Bear would step forward and another Darth Vader and Rupert the Bear would enter behind them. This continued until the maze was almost full with multiple Darth Vaders and Rupert the Bears and they were almost upon me at which point I would wake up.

Years later I remember seeing Naked Raygun play a gig in Bristol the singer wore Black and yellow "Rupert the bear" trousers.In the early naughties I even had a pair of  "Sharp  eye"  black and yellow check trousers myself.

Rupert the Bear

DJ Rude Boy Rupert

Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Spira